Sunday, May 4, 2014

A Portrait of Someone I Love

As some of you know, I still live at home, which means I hang out with my mom and my stepdad, Kirk, almost everyday. Kirk and my mom have been together for almost nine years, and throughout those years, Kirk hasn't failed me once. When I was in seventh grade, he funded, and help my best friend and I make a plexiglass guitar (that also had a pan flute on top). When I've watched too many scary television shows or movies, and haven't been able to fall asleep, Kirk has always been willing to talk me to sleep (even if it was four in the morning). Throughout high school, Kirk drove me to school almost everyday, even though many of my friends had to walk or take the bus. During my junior year of high school, when I went on a road trip with my best friend and got my jeep stuck in the sand, I called Kirk; he didn't freak out, even though he wanted to, and he told me what to do to get the jeep unstuck. Recently, when I was wondering what to say to a guy, Kirk talked me through it (and then we laughed together when he wrote an awkward text in my phone and accidentally sent it). My point is, no matter what I need, and no matter how difficult I am being, Kirk is there for me, and loves me through it.

This is Kirk in all his glory:
This is the "I just said something funny and I'm going to pretend like I don't know I'm funny" face:
Being a great model:
Stressful day:
Scaring my grandma:

Extra Reading:
Brett Walker: I like Walker's work because he has a sense of humor and a lot of his photographs are a little strange. His site is fun and playful, and it's definitely worth looking at. Also check out his Instagram, YouTube channel, and Tumblr

Filthy Feet

Usually I wear slippers around the house, but today I neglected them to be nude in my bare feet. The reason I wear house slippers most of the time is because I know my feet will get filthy otherwise, and I only like my feet to be dirty when I'm adventuring in the great outdoors (or at outdoor school, in a yurt, a lodge, a tent... you get the idea). On the rare instances that I do let go of my slippers for the day, my feet turn black as tar. They got especially dirty today. I made many trips from the linoleum in the kitchen to the dirty concrete in the garage, preparing paper mâché hats that I am making for Cinco de Mayo (woohoo, so excited!!!). The best part about having dirty feet is washing them at the end of the day, until they're squeaky clean, and then immersing them in warmth, under a thick blanket. Ahhh.

Before I washed, though, I took a few still lives:

Extra Reading:
Shlomi Nissim: Fascinated by the horrors of war and violence in today's culture, Nissim makes art that in contrast, suggests purity, and that alludes to ancient culture. Nissim also takes cues from cinema and painting, and his photographs have classical subject matter and a modern aesthetic. The colors and expression in Nissim's photographs are absolutely beautiful and incredible. Go poke around on his site!