Friday, May 9, 2014

Canvassing Style

A canvasser is one of those people with a clipboard and a cause, asking people, begging people, to sign (and sometimes donate money to) something. They are the people who you probably avoid constantly. You do a little dance around them, cross the street when you see them coming, tell them you are in a hurry, even when you aren't.

Today was the first day of my canvassing job.

This is something I never, ever thought I would do. Actually, I specifically and vividly remember telling my boyfriend this a year ago when he came to pick me up one day from school. I had just talked to a canvasser for 30 minutes, and though I enjoyed talking to him, I pitied him as well. I didn't want to be that person who got into people's space, getting rejected constantly. The person everyone tries to avoid.

Then you need money and you get a little more enthusiastic about that canvassing job.
The irony...

So please, next time you see a canvasser, even if you avoid them, try to have more compassion for them. They are probably working for a good cause, and though some of them can be a little dry, most of them have good intentions. Hell, maybe even sign their papers. You'll make their lives easier, and you'll help make change.

Makeup in the car:
Some scenery from the day (iPhone):
Being legit (also what's going on with my left eye?):

Extra Reading:
Verve Photo: Created by photographer Geoffrey Hiller, Verve Photo is a place that informs readers about the powerful documentary photographers of today. Along with concise blog posts about a specific photograph/photographer, Verve Photo also provides many other links to photo resources. Hiller is an editorial photographer who has shot all over the world for magazines such as National Geographic, Newsweek, Mother Jones, and the New York Times Magazine. He has a lot of work, so if you have some time on your hands, go peruse his website!

And of course, thanks for reading, guys! 

Why Giving is Great

I took the past year off of school in order to reevaluate, reapply to college, and work. Every year of grade school, middle school, and high school, I spent my days caring more about my education than my social life, being more of a perfectionist and a mini-adult than a kid. Every year except my senior year of high school. This is why, after I had a year of college under my belt, I wanted to reapply to other schools (read: art school) to see if I could get more scholarship money. If you have not graduated high school, I would highly suggest making your senior year a year that you apply yourself (even if you didn't during every other year). The reason I suggest this is because reapplying to college is no fun no fun no fun (assuming college is your route). Trust me, the second time you apply is worse than the first time, and you have to do more work, and less is offered to you. That is why I have chosen to go back to the college I went to originally, which is Portland State University. I had this big fat dream of going to art school and another fat dream of having no student loan debt. Well, my friends, life doesn't work that way here in the USA. 

That is why I needed Julia. Julia is the college guidance counselor at Northwest Academy, where I went to high school, and she is the greatest. She has a dry sense of humor that I thoroughly enjoy, she is honest and blunt, and she does not over-guide (read: she does not tell you what to do even if you want her to). This year, my philosophies about college and student loans changed by the hour, and Julia was always there to keep me grounded. I am truly grateful for someone who is willing to sacrifice so much for her students and former students. 

This morning I was really excited because I got to give back to Julia. I headed over to good old Fred Meyer, picked out a bouquet of sunflowers and took them to Julia's office. She seemed to think I had been the one that had done something great for her, when really all I was trying to say was thank you for all she has done for me. 

I've never been able to beat the feeling of seeing someone react to a gift, note, or compliment. Seeing their joy brings me immense happiness. Giving brings me just as much, if not more, than receiving does. 

Here is my version of Julia's gift:
 And here's Julia's version:

Happy day. Happiness.

Extra Reading:
Sean McCabe: If you'd like to see some more amazing lettering, go check out McCabe's website! He has been in the design industry for over ten years (but is still super young), and now he is dedicating himself to teaching! He hosts online classes, and if you are interested in doing lettering, you should buy one of his video tutorials.
Vivian Maier: Maier was a nanny who also made street and self-portrait photography in her spare time. She was extremely private about her work, and after she died, thousands of her negatives were discovered at a thrift auction house in Chicago. Ironically, Maier is quite well known now, her photographs widely sought out by photographers and art appreciators alike.