Also, there was a guy that sat a ways away from me at the park that laughed like a hyena. The girl he was with wasn't that into him, but he was still very patient and persistent, so you gotta give him that!
Look at the squirrel:
Extra Reading:
Glenn Friedel: Friedel makes large scale photograms, a genre of cameraless photography where the artist takes a piece of photo paper, places objects on top of the paper, and then exposes the whole thing to light. Making photograms is usually taught as a beginner-level exercise, so I think it is great that Friedel and other artists have taken that exercise further to create stunning pieces. Friedel makes photograms of the human form, and the shapes and colors he produces are brilliant. The link I sent you to is from Google Images because Friedel's site seems to be down. However, if you still want to peruse his website, you can go here.