Friday, April 18, 2014

From Inside

All of the following photos were taken today, looking out of a window. I spent a lot of time inside on this sunny day, partly at work, partly in the car, partly in the grocery store. While inside, I searched for beauty on the outside. Here's what I found:

Extra Reading: 
Rainbow Collections: Rainbow Collections is a zine where each issue focuses on a specific color. This month's color is red. The photographs do not have any other guidelines other than showcasing the month's color, which inspires an interesting combination of photographs in the final publication.
Diana Markosian: Markosian's project, My Father, The Stranger is what first drew me to her work. When Markosian was seven years old, she and her mother were separated from her father. As an adult, Markosian travels halfway around the world to meet her father once again, for the first time since she was a child. Her photographs are evidence of what she finds in her meeting with her father. 

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