After work today, I went out to dinner with some old friends. I could not eat the delicious bread that all my friends devoured in front of my eyes, but when the waiter brought out salads, I tried my hand in eating a tomato. I kept cutting up the tomato into very small pieces, and I noticed the waiter watching me do this. Complete silliness, cutting up a tomato into tiny, swallowable bites!
After dinner, I dropped two friends off in a quiet little neighborhood, then parked, and began searching for this evening's photo subjects. I ended up walking only about three blocks or so, but I found and photographed multiple perspectives of tonight's gorgeous, full moon. While my camera was on its tripod, I met a woman named Amy, who told me that tomorrow evening/early morning on Tuesday, there will be a lunar eclipse! (Find the eclipse's schedule here.) Amy and I had a great conversation, and I ended up being really glad that I parked to take photographs. You never know who you'll meet or what you'll find or what kind of ideas you'll create while walking around.
Here are the many faces of the moon:
Extra Reading:
Susannah Benjamin: For Christmas one year, Benjamin's mom gave her a Kodak point and shoot, and though she let it collect dust for awhile, she picked it up later when she began attending an all-girls' school. Benjamin saw her friends struggle with what many people grapple with--body issues, peer pressure, and bullying--and she decided to document that reality. Later she ended up being hired by Beyonce to shoot part of her 2011 world tour! Go check out her Flickr feed. I love young people who do amazing things because they inspire me to be better at what I do!
Goodnight, everyone, and thanks for reading!
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