Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Park Play

The park in the spring or summertime is one of my favorite places to be. Climbing, playing, rolling around in the grass. The sunshine slants down into long columns and illuminates the grass to make different colored patches of green. Time goes on and on along with laughs, but like everything, day eventually turns to night and then you are left with little light bulbs. Everyone else leaves, and you are alone there to run free, like one of those woodland creatures.

Poetic Title: Some Things Change But Stay The Same

The drive home from the park is an almost ritualistic process: makeup is slightly messed up, window is cracked, music is played loudly. There is a slight high from the whole adventure you just experienced. Then you sit in the driveway for a moment and ponder your night before you travel inside and lay yourself to sleep. 

Tiny Dancer by Elton John played on the radio as I drove my way home.

Extra Reading: 
60 Inspiring Photographs: This is an amazing compilation of 60 photographs that illustrate the human experience. Each one is relatable and unique; some will make you laugh and others will make you a little emotional. I personally love the one of the double decker bus that waits at a crosswalk for a little boy to walk across with his mini double decker bus on wheels. Go check it out! 

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