Thursday, May 1, 2014

Waking Nights

Today I hung out with my friend Scott, and we ate some delicious Indian food at a place called Abhiruchi, which is in Beaverton. After that, we took a long, industrial walk, intermingled with an adventure through an even, and luscious-looking field. Eventually we took seats on a curb in a random parking lot filled with street lights, and we talked for a few hours.

Those walks make me feel incredibly happy. The industrial area, the fields, the random buildings and lights and train tracks and cars buzzing, street lights. Conversations are stigmatized by all of these things, made better by the feeling of the night, the calm, the light breeze on this summery day. These nights are my favorite, made perfect by having gone out to eat (trying new things! Food served to you!). My day was absolutely lovely.

Chandeliers hang in the strangest of places. Little rooms created especially for them by their reflections.
The essence of a walk:
Under streetlights, chatting:

Extra Reading:
Hannah Concannon: This girl is not a photographer, but her work holds a special place in my heart because she is an amazing makeup artist, and I loooove makeup. Also a Portlander, she now lives in San Francisco, and she paints her face every. single. day. The concoctions and characters she comes up with are absolutely amazing! Her work reminds me of being a dancer and doing stage makeup before a show. There would be times I would make my face look so ridiculous, but that is the fun of it. Go support Concannon because she is fantastic and fun!! 

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